Calculate and streamline your tech talent sourcing costs, including hidden costs such as the time invested by internal teams.Based on your sourcing channels and recruitment habits.
Our webinars will also be available in replay. Register to the event and access our replays whenever you want.
Instead of judging people for their ignorance, let’s help them to feel excited about all the new things they’ll discover.
VP of Engineering is a complex role, which combines technical, human and strategic skills. If you're interested in this position, it is important you understand the steps involved in reaching this level of responsibility.
Generative AIs seem to have taken over the world since ChatGPT was released last November. As a software engineer you’re probably wondering what impact this technology is going to have on your job and you're not alone!
Échange avec 2 Founding Engineers de et Jimini AI 🧠 Ce que ça va t’apporter : Comprendre le scope d’un Founding Engineer, et voir si te lancer dans l’aventure vaudrait le coup si l’occasion se présentait !
Il n’y a rien de mieux pour prendre de la hauteur que d’échanger avec des personnes plus expérimentées. Pourtant on ose rarement franchir le pas et inviter un·e CTO à boire un café... c’est pourquoi on a décidé de le faire pour toi !