“What do you mean, you’re not a SaaS company?” Learn why and how Dataiku, the world’s leading platform for Everyday AI, has chosen on-premises deployment.
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Ecosia is not only the biggest European search engine but also one of the biggest tree planting organizations on the planet. Ecosia's founder Christian tells us more about his unusual company and explains why he believes technology won't solve climate change.
As programmers, we tend to brush away usability as something that designers should worry about. In this talk you will learn how to make your APIs easy to learn and fast to use. Lea Verou is a W3C TAG member who’ve created dozens of successful open source projects for over a decade.
Aujourd'hui, on creuse le sujet IA en allant directement à la rencontre d'un développeur qui a implémenté l'IA dans son travail quotidien. Et pour répondre à une question simple : l'utilisation de l'IA au quotidien peut-elle te rendre meilleur dev' ?