Yacine Badiss mène le développement de l’API de Ledger. Dans cette conférence, il nous présente le monde excitant et complexe de la sécurité hardware pour les cryptos. Cette vidéo est en anglais.
Our webinars will also be available in replay. Register to the event and access our replays whenever you want.
So far, the tech industry has been spared the high levels of redundancies seen during the Covid-19 crisis to the point where the industry has been struggling to find qualified candidates to cover stretched workloads. However, it seems that this trend has started to shift.
The best way to gain perspective is to talk to more experienced people. Yet, most people are too shy to invite a CTO for a chat over a cup of coffee… so we decided to do it for you!
"If you're still a developer by 30, you've failed your career". This misconception was still widespread a few years ago. But now, more and more people are realising that becoming a manager is not the only way to move your career forward.
Échange avec des Team Leads de chez PlayPlay et Shopmium 🧠 Ce que tu vas apprendre : La différence entre Team Lead hands-on et Team Lead hands-off et si le job de Team Lead est fait pour toi !
Il n’y a rien de mieux pour prendre de la hauteur que d’échanger avec des personnes plus expérimentées. Pourtant on ose rarement franchir le pas et inviter un·e CTO à boire un café... c’est pourquoi on a décidé de le faire pour toi !