Start direct conversations with top candidates who have been
pre-qualified and are looking for a job right now
1-time payment
Monthly instalments
Unlimited, direct access to top tech profiles
Dedicated account manager
ATS Integrations
15% single fee on the candidate's gross annual salary
1.2% monthly fee on the candidate's gross annual salary for 18 months
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Get a list of qualified and available profiles within 48 hours
Dedicated account manager
Invoice and payment processing
Contract generation
ATS Integrations
We apply a 15%* margin on freelancer rate
*up to 17% depending on the modalities of payment
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We leverage 20+ acquisition channels (online ads, community building, manual sourcing…) and focus on providing tech talent with the best experience on the market.This allows us to provide recruiters with a large selection of top-quality profiles looking for a job right now, leading to a 97% response rate.
On, there is no middleman. You can easily find profiles that match your needs (salary, tech stack, language…) and reach directly to book interviews in a few clicks.Our model also allows us to be significantly cheaper than any recruitment agency.
We source, evaluate and qualify hundreds of candidates per day so you don’t have to. Thanks to, you can focus on interviewing candidates and improving your employer branding - not on sourcing candidates.
It depends on the pricing.
1-time payment
If a candidate ceased to be contractually bound to you within the 3 months following their start date, you would receive a credit (the amount of the paid service fees, before taxes). The credit would be valid for 12 months, starting from the last day the candidate worked for your company, and only applicable to future service fees.
If a candidate ceased to be contractually bound to you, you would stop paying the monthly fee, from the month following the date on which the candidate ceased to be part of your personnel, provided that we were given notice prior to that date. Refer to our terms and conditions for more information.
You stop paying the fees related to the hiring.
Please send us an email at, we will come back to you within 48 hours.
Our experts can manage your candidate pipeline, audit your employer brand, create ad hoc KPI reports or even organise training sessions with your team. Contact us and we will create the perfect plan for you.
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