talent.io hosts the largest pool of high-quality, job-seeking tech talent in Europe. Candidates sign up to simplify their job search. We leverage more than 20 different channels to spread the word about our service and attract active job seekers. The top 10% of applicants complete our screening process, which is based on level of fit with our current clients' needs.
Each week we add 300+ new candidates looking for a new job right now. Our search makes it easy to narrow the list based on their desired role, experience, and skills. We highlight their salary expectations, desired work environment, and favorite technologies so you can choose who to contact.
Found a candidate you like? Send them a direct message and start a conversation! Unlike other platforms, because everyone on talent.io is currently seeking a job, direct messages have a 97% reply rate.
It takes 7 conversations on average to hire a candidate on talent.io
talent.io hosts the largest pool of high-quality, job-seeking tech talent in Europe. Candidates sign up to simplify their job search. We leverage more than 20 different channels to spread the word about our service and attract active job seekers.
Each week we add 300+ new candidates looking for a new job right now. Our search makes it easy to narrow the list based on their desired role, experience, and skills. We highlight their salary expectations, desired work environment, and favorite technologies so you can choose who to contact.
Found a candidate you like? Send them a direct message and start a conversation! Unlike other platforms, because everyone on talent.io is currently seeking a job, direct messages have a 97% reply rate.
It takes 7 conversations on average to hire a candidate on talent.io
Recommend profiles, start conversation threads, and tag your colleagues to collaborate efficiently.
Book a free consultation call with us. Our team will find out the best way to help build your tech team, based on your roadmap and hiring needs.
We've analysed 100,000+ data points to provide you with the most accurate figures of the market
Learn about about the salaries for tech positions in France, Germany and the Netherlands
Includes insights about gender pay gaps, most-in-demand jobs and more!