Meet your next
tech freelancer
within 48 hours

Create a project and get a shortlist of pre-screened, available candidates within 2 days

supported roles
Software Engineers
Data Scientists
Product Managers
VPs of Engineering
AvaIlable in france and germany

Average time to hire a freelancer of 1 week

We handle invoicing and payment processing

No hidden fees

How it works

Create a project

Define your needs: role, tech stack, experience, budget

Our tech recruitment experts will start work right away

Sign up

Get a selection of pre-screened candidates in
48 hours

We tap into our community of 2,500 freelancers and identify matching profiles

We call them and check that they are both available and interested in your project

You get a list of top candidates, available right now and ready to accept your offer. Take your pick!

Manage all your processes in a single place

Start direct conversations with candidates through our platform

We will generate your contracts and manage timesheets (free service - optional)

We take care of invoicing, payment processing and compliance (free service - optional)

Create an assignment

Define your needs: role, tech stack, experience, budget

Our tech recruitment experts will get to work right away

Submit a project

Get a selection of pre-screened candidates in 48 hours

We tap into our community of 2,500 freelancers and identify matching profiles

We call them and check that they are both available and interested in your project

You get a list of top candidates, available right now and ready to accept your offer. Take your pick!

Manage all your processes in a single place

Start direct conversations with candidates through our platform

We will generate your contracts and manage timesheets (free option)

We take care of invoicing and payment processing (free option)

Leverage our platform as a team

Recommend profiles, start conversation threads, and tag your colleagues to collaborate efficiently.

Get our 2023 Salary Report

Do you know where your compensation strategy stands? Download the salary report and compare yours to the market.
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We've analysed 100,000+ data points to provide you with the most accurate figures of the market

Learn about about the salaries for tech positions in France, Germany and the Netherlands

Includes insights about gender pay gaps, most-in-demand jobs and more!

6000+ tech talent found their job on

“At, everything is done easily online: importing the LinkedIn profile, consulting the details of the mission, contacting the client directly, signing the contracts and automatically generating the invoices while sending them to the client. As a freelancer, it allows me to focus on my work and it facilitates the financial management of my business”

Grégory M., Drupal Developer

7 months

" has really been able to position themselves on two very important aspects following the freelance mission I found thanks to them: regular follow-ups, secure and fast payment management. In short, I am well taken care of and paid on time :)"

Pierre M., Front End Developer

6 months

"I had a great experience with, they helped me find an amazing job opportunity in Berlin. My Talent Advocate Sonia took care of everything I didn't know and helped me with any questions or doubts I had. The process was really simple and painless."

Lara V., iOS Developer

3 months

“At, everything is done easily online: importing the LinkedIn profile, consulting the details of the mission, contacting the client directly, signing the contracts and automatically generating the invoices while sending them to the client. As a freelancer, it allows me to focus on my work and it facilitates the financial management of my business.”

Grégory M., Drupal Developer
Project duration

7 months

" has really been able to position themselves on two very important aspects following the freelance mission I found thanks to them: regular follow-ups, secure and fast payment management. In short, I am well taken care of and paid on time :)"

Pierre M., Front End Developer
project duration

6 months

"I had a great experience with, they helped me find an amazing job opportunity in Berlin. My Talent Advocate Sonia took care of everything I didn't know and helped me with any questions or doubts I had. The process was really simple and painless."

Lara V., iOS Developer
project duration

3 months is hiring managers' best friend

"I always get a selection of
candidates that perfectly match
my search"

Alix Vandame

HR Recruiter

" is a very powerful
platform, that helps us
onboard highly skilled people"

Mano Le Saux


“I think is hands down
one of the best and most efficient
tool available on the market”

Julien Ciftci

Talent Acquisition Specialist

"'s platform is very easy
to use, allowing us to collaborate
from the first stage of hiring"

Louise Mouton

HR Recruiter

"Thanks towe have managed to
grow from a technical team of
2 people to 25 people in three years"

Pierre Sutter


" is a great platform
and a must in our current
talent acquisition strategy"

Aminata Pelletier

Head of recruitment

Start using for free

Pay only once you've signed off on the work each month

Transparent pricing, starting at a margin of 15% per invoice
Includes our full service

a dedicated tech recruitment expert

network of 2500 qualified candidates

invoicing and payment processing

contract generation (France only)

unlimited users

unlimited projects

Sign up

Meet your Account Manager

Once you start using, you're no longer alone. Your dedicated Account Manager is an expert in tech recruitment. They will recommend candidates, help with admin matters and support you through your entire hiring process.

Book a free consulting call with us

Our team will find out the best way to build your tech team, based on your roadmap and hiring needs.

Sign up is open to remote work within
European countries

Tap into our whole pool of top candidates in Europe. No visa needed.

Sign up


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