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3-month or longer projects only
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Describe your preferred roles, technologies, industries, and daily rate.
Whenever one of our 7000+ registered companies opens a position matching your requirements, we drop you a personal email or phone call. You decide if you would like to move forward.
Set your daily rate and get matching offers
talent.io guarantees payment within 14 days of invoicing
We take care of the timesheet approval process and invoice generation
talent.io is free for freelancers
Sign up for free and create your profile in less than 5 minutes.
Role, technology, industry, daily rate...you will receive perfect matches.
Whenever one of our 6000 recruiting companies opens a position that fits your requirements, we will drop you a personal email or phone call. You decide if you would like to move forward.
names your daily rate and get proposals within that range.
talent.io guarantees payment within 14 days of invoicing.
we take care of the time sheets and invoice generation.
talent.io is free for candidates.
We do not offer projects shorter than 3 months
We focus on impactful projects
We partner with reliable companies
From reputable startups to enterprises. Get paid in 14 days, guaranteed.
We keep our eyes open for opportunities
Your Talent Advocate monitors the market for opportunities that suit your preferences.
Paris, Lille, Lyon, Toulouse, Bordeaux
Berlin, Munich, Hamburg
Paris, Lille, Lyon, Toulouse, Bordeaux
Berlin, Munich, Hamburg
We've analysed 100,000+ data points to provide you with the most accurate figures of the market
Learn about about the salaries for tech positions in France, Germany and the Netherlands
Includes insights about gender pay gaps, most-in-demand jobs and more!
Every member of our community gets access to a dedicated Talent Advocate who is an expert in the local tech market and freelance-related admin and legal topics. Your Talent Advocate gets to know you and keeps monitoring the market for opportunities that suit your preferences.
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Freelance track, our community event
Coaching sessions to help you get the most out of your freelance life
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